Monday, August 16, 2010

What is a Sniper?

    The Sniper is a very important role in the military. It is you synonymous with precision killing and being the ultimate in stealth. What the definition of a sniper is, is still a debate. The term "Sniper" has been used pretty loosely in the past, however today the sniper is a very highly recognized and highly trained and skilled individual. Snipers in the past were really no more than marksmen or sharpshooters. They started to come about really as soon as the first firearms conflict came around. However there is reason for many to believe that the very first sniper came around during Da Vinci's time. In fact, it is Leonardo himself. The is reason to believe that Leonardo da Vinci produced his own firearm with his own design of a telescopic sight on it to increase the image size and to increase effectiveness. Apparently he stood on the edge of his hometown, Florence, Italy firing some 300 yards at enemy soldiers with his custom Wheelock design.
    Today the Sniper is a very highly trained individual who has highly tuned in senses, who delivers trained and precise rifle fire from long ranges and highly concealed positions. This may sound like a mouthful, but is incredibly simple. Basically, the sniper kills, with one shot, at long ranges, without ever been spotted or having the enemy knowing he was there. There goal is to kill, without the enemy knowing anything other that the person next to them is dead and on the ground and they don't know how, from where, or what is to happen next, but usually they don't have to worry about the whats going to happen next part too long...
   Snipers training is unlike any other specialty training in any services. It fits the needs and profile of the sniper as an individual. During their several week course, snipers learn to be dead-accurate at ranges surpassing 1,000 yards, and not unusually, 1,500 yards, with a sniper rifle. They learn the importance of concealment and they learn how to stalk an enemy without ever being spotted.
Can you spot the two man sniper team? The distance is a mere 5 feet to them. 
The Sniper truly the "Master of terrain, technology, and timing. He is a Hunter of Human Prey. And the military's most feared fighter." Sniper- Adrian Gilbert

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